Min Pool Fee | 1.5 % Margin | 705K Pledge


Telegram: https://t.me/sparta_sp

Ticker: SPRTA

Pool Id: e6e1f4291b1e6a29c8f7818a6572bdbd50971d1c657725de72466365

Why stake with Sparta Stake pool?

Sparta Stake Pool is a Safe, Reliable, Highly-Available Cardano Stake Pool. We are passionate about Cardano, the Cardano ecosystem, and the Cardano community!

Sparta is managed by an experienced operator with 20 years of experience in the IT field. We are also solely focused on Sparta and do not run other pools.

We leverage Google Cloud to run our Stake Pool infrastructure. Google Cloud has the fastest dedicated fiber backbone when compared to all other cloud vendors. This means a relay on the west coast has a reliable, secure, multi-path route with minimum latency to a block producer on the east coast and can communication seamlessly.

We currently run three relay nodes in order to ensure we have the upmost availability and are able to maintain operations running 24/7/365. The three relays are geographically dispersed located on the east coast, central, and west coast of the US. All three relay nodes are provisioned with googles premium network connectivity and have extremely fast internet connections.

We take cyber security seriously at Sparta. We have hardened our servers and reduced our attack surface in order to maintain a safe and reliable operation.

Please consider delegating your stake to Sparta Stake Pool. Our Stake pool Ticker is SPRTA.

Recent appearances on “Your Cardano Update”


What is Staking?

Excellent staking tutorial courtesy of ADAtainment